Novocure Excellence Award, Courage, 2021
Awarded by Novocure for demonstrating the core value of Courage through compassionate confrontation of challenges in service of patients and caregivers. Recognized for contributions that significantly advanced patient care and supported caregivers within the organization.
The Portico Medal is the highest honor that the University Sacred Heart gives its students reward in the areas of academic achievement , leadership , personal development , public spirit, effort and improvement. The event, organized by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs at USC, students recognized the baccalaureate and master's programs , with the delivery of the Portico Medal , a symbol of student excellence in the institution.
Portíco Medal, Leadership, 2015
Portíco Medal, Leadership and Public Spirit, 2014
The Portico Medal is the highest honor that the University Sacred Heart gives its students reward in the areas of academic achievement , leadership , personal development , public spirit, effort and improvement. The event, organized by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs at USC, students recognized the baccalaureate and master's programs , with the delivery of the Portico Medal , a symbol of student excellence in the institution.

ASLIS Scholarship Award, 2013
The Segal AmeriCorps Education Award is a post-service benefit received by participants who complete a term of national service in an approved AmeriCorps program--AmeriCorps VISTA, AmeriCorps NCCC, or AmeriCorps State and National. The award is named after Eli Segal, one of the pioneers of the national service movement and the first CEO of the federal Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).